“In this book, Mary provides the blueprint to make owning a dental practice achievable, profitable, and gratifying. Every dentist and office manager needs this book in their toolbox. Business Management, Human Resources, Team Development, and Practice Policies are made easy to understand and implement. A one-degree shift can make a difference in your practice, and Mary delivers the guide. The Dental Business book truly is a blueprint for success!”
-Anne M. Duffy Editor and Publisher | DeW Life Magazine and Dental Entrepreneur Magazine | Dental Entrepreneur Media
“The Dental Business Book’ has been an invaluable resource to both my firm and my dental clients. Mary’s knowledge and expertise in the dental field are unparalleled. She offers innovative tools and resources to help any practice succeed. I highly recommend this blueprint for success to all dental practice owners. Whether you are considering a start-up, practice acquisition or have been in practice for several years, this book will guide you to running a more successful practice.”
-Ryan Levy CPA, CFP | Levy CPA’s and Tax Accountants
“Mary’s extensive knowledge and expertise shines through in this must read for every practice owner. Learn time tested strategies for building the practice you have always wanted and how to avoid costly mistakes. Simply put, it’s the how-to on practice ownership.”
-Joseph D. Jordan JD | Jordan Law Group | JPA Transitions
“This book is exceptional! I learned so much about how to look at a dental practice and what to look for when purchasing a practice. She breaks things down into ways that a non-financial person can understand. This book is a great reference to keep going back to.”
-Rebekkah Merrell DMD | Asheville Smiles Cosmetic and Family Dentistry

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