Still on my mind – After returning from the ADA and ADMC (Academy of Dental Management Consultants) meetings last October, one message was forefront on my mind and it hasn’t gone away. The message is “People before Profits”. I realize this message can be viewed in different ways. In the context in which I heard it, it means; “put your People first, and Profits will follow”.
You teach people how to treat you. With this in mind, treating people well does not mean that you should allow them to take advantage of you. Certainly, stand firm in your expectation of how business policies, procedures, protocol, and systems are to be handled. It’s completely possible to maintain control of your business, be kind, treat people with respect, show appreciation and have your business be a very successful one.
Respect and Appreciation are necessary for successful relationships. It’s important to keep this in mind whether you are communicating with loved ones, friends, your team members, co-workers, colleagues, or patients. This mindset is essential for long term success in any business, the dental business included.