Showing 36 Result(s)

Preparing Your Dental Future, featuring Mary Fisher-Day & Dilaine Gloege

Preparing Your Dental Future, featuring Mary Fisher-Day & Dilaine Gloege Audio – 30 MB In this episode, Anne Duffy is joined by Mary Fisher-Day & Dilaine Gloege. Mary Fisher-Day is the owner and CEO of “The Dental Business,” a company whose mission is to help dentists who are purchasing a new practice to be happy …

The Benefits of Practicing Dentistry in a Small Town

Did you know that people living in rural small towns often drive more than an hour to see a dentist? The Federal Government and many states offer incentive programs for dentists who agree topractice in high-need areas. When taken advantage of the programs reduce student loan debt significantly. In instances where loan forgiveness isn’t necessary …

Mary Fisher-Day

Diagnosis by Insurance Company – Can we do anything about it?

Should Dental Associations and Organizations dedicate resources to creating PSA’s to educate law makers about the flagrant ways Dental insurance companies are undermining the relationship between you and your patients? Examples: 1) Letters sent to your patients inferring that your fees are too high and encouraging your patients to seek care from a dentist on …

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The Two Most Under-utilized Words in Business are

The Dental Industry is no exception. Throughout my career as a Consultant, I’ve spent countless hours with dental team members and one of the questions I ask is, “what aspect of your job gives you the most satisfaction”? Recently, I placed a poll on Social Media asking which of the following is most important to …